Interested in taking part in Research?
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We are taking part in some clinical research called ‘Active Brains’. The study/research aims to help older adults to look after their brain and body health to prevent cognitive decline. The website supports older adults to make simple behavioural changes such as increasing physical activity, playing brain training games and finding ways to eat more healthily. The study trial will recruit two groups of older adults:
1) those with signs of cognitive decline,
2) those without any cognitive decline. Members of both of these groups will be randomly assigned to one of three trial groups: 1) care as they usually receive it from their GP practice,
or 2) access to the Active Brains website,
or 3) access to the Active Brains website plus brief support from a trained person (over the phone or by email). The trial will last for five years. At the end of the first year the study team will compare participants’ cognitive performance in each of the three study groups. After five years the study team will compare the three study groups again and will collect medical records data about diagnosis of dementia.
The findings will reveal whether the Active Brains website is effective and cost-effective for older adults to avoid or delay cognitive decline.
The Profile Study
A research study is being conducted by the Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden Hospital, in collaboration with our practice.
The aim of the PROFILE study is to investigate how knowledge of genetics can be used to identify the best way of screening some higher risk groups. This is in order to pick up cancer at an early stage that would be treatable and curable.